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Dr. Qianlong Wang, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Research Area:
Robust and secure deep learning network, security and privacy in distributed system, e.g., Cyber Physical System (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT).
Research Experience:
I am currently a research assistant in EECS department of Case Western Reserve University. I receive my Bachelor degree from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, and Master degree in Electrical Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA.
I have done several projects including deep learning related application and enhancement during my Ph.D. study, and meanwhile published a journal paper in one of IEEE transactions. Currently, I am working on three topics, the first is a feature selection method to further enhance multi-view learning performance; the second is to utilize deep learning method to build a secure and privacy-preserving decentralized system in IoT, i.e., smart transportation system; the third is to apply our robust multi-view learning method on generalized decentralized system for detecting and resisting different types of system attacks.
Personal Website: https://sites.google.com/view/ql-home-page