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The conference offers comprehensive cooperation programme, including host conferences,co- sponsored conferences,exhibition opportunities and area for academic investigation, etc.. Any cooperation can be customized to meet the needs of your organization.
The organizing committee welcomes scientific research personnel in all fields with a strong team, and creatively invite higher teaching institutions and scientific research institutions at home and abroad to become the co-organizers.
To become the co-organizers of the conference, the following requirements must be met:
1.Have strong influence in its field.单位在所属领域内有较强影响力;
2.Innovate scientific research and represent future direction in its research field.科研创新,能代表该研究领域未来发展方向;
3.Pass the organizing committee extensive reviews.通过大会组委会严格审核。
As the conference partner, you will enjoy the right of its co-hosted conference naming right, advertising, agenda setting, and guests invitation etc.. We offer special exhibition area to provide a full range of display for our partners.
We will together with you to host a higher-quality international conference.
According to the variety of cooperation types, we offer different services and privileges. For reservation and enquiring regarding cooperation, please do not hesitate to email at: cooperation@keoaeic.org.
根据合作类型的多样,我们有不同的服务和特权提供。有关合作相关事宜,请直接与我们联系:cooperation@keoaeic.org/ 020-29869162
New Case/最新案例:
| 第九届海峡两岸高校师生土木工程监测与控制研讨会(MCCE2018) The 9th Cross-strait Summer School on Monitoring and Control in Civil Engineering 会议日期:2018年8月19-22日 会议地点:中国福州 发起单位:浙江大学、同济大学、香港理工大学、台湾大学、中央大学、台湾地震研究中心、澳门大学 主办单位:福建工程学院 福州大学 中国振动工程学会结构抗振控制与健康监测专业委员会 承办单位:福建省土木工程新技术与信息化重点实验室 闽台合作土木工程技术福建省高校工程研究中心 土木工程防震减灾信息化国家地方联合工程研究中心 AEIC学术交流资讯中心 |
| 第六届国际(洛阳)工业设计高峰论坛(IFID2018) 2018 6th International Forum on Industrial Design 会议时间:2018年5月18-20日 会议地点:中国洛阳 主办单位:洛阳市人民政府 承办单位:洛阳市科学技术局 洛阳生产力促进中心 洛阳创意产业设计中心 AEIC学术交流资讯中心 |
![]() | 第四届应用材料与制造技术国际学术会议(ICAMMT2018) 2018 4th International Conference on Applied Materials and Manufacturing Technology 会议时间:2018年5月25-27日 会议地点:中国南昌 主办单位:南昌航空大学 轻合金加工科学与技术国防重点学科实验室 武汉科技大学 承办单位:AEIC学术交流资讯中心 |