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Research Scientist Dr. Yusen He, Department of Industrial and System Engineering, University of Iowa, USA
Research Area:
Data Mining, Deep Learning, Time Series, Survival Analysis
He, Y., & Kusiak, A. (2017). Performance assessment of wind turbines: data-derived quantitative metrics. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(1), 65-73.
He, Y., Kusiak, A., Ouyang, T. and Teng, W., 2017. Data-driven modeling of truck engine exhaust valve failures: A case study. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 31(6), pp.2747-2757.
Li, H., Xu, Q., He, Y. and Deng, J., 2018. Prediction of landslide displacement with an ensemble-based extreme learning machine and copula models. Landslides, 15(10), pp.2047-2059.
Ouyang, T., Kusiak, A., & He, Y. (2017). Modeling wind-turbine power curve: A data partitioning and mining approach. Renewable Energy, 102, 1-8.
Ouyang, T., Kusiak, A. and He, Y., 2017. Predictive model of yaw error in a wind turbine. Energy, 123, pp.119-130.
Ouyang, T., He, Y., Li, H., Sun, Z., & Baek, S. (2019). Modeling and Forecasting Short-Term Power Load With Copula Model and Deep Belief Network. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 3(2), 127-136.
Ouyang, T., He, Y. and Huang, H., 2018. Monitoring Wind Turbines' Unhealthy Status: A Data-Driven Approach. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 3(2), pp.163-172.
Personal Website: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=E9HTrjwAAAAJ&hl=en