Welcome Dr. Feng Shen from Google LLC, USA to be committee member!


Dr. Feng Shen, Google LLC, USA

Research Area:

Mobile/Data Security, Program Analysis, Mobile Computing, Machine Learning, Parallel and Distributed System

Research Experience:

I received my PhD degree from University at Buffalo, The State University of New York in Computer Science and Engineering. I am currently working on Android security via static analysis in App Safety team at Google LLC.

My research interests are mobile security/computing. My current research focuses on investigating static analysis on Android and exploring new ways to detect mobile malware apps via static analysis techniques. We propose a new permission mechanism, called BlueSeal, based on information flows. This new permission mechanism statically detects all potential information flows within Android apps and reports them to the user for approval at the installation time. Besides, we have proposed a new technique to detect mobile malware based on information flow analysis. It focuses on the structure of information flows and the patterns of behavior present in information flows. For more information, please visit our website: http://blueseal.cse.buffalo.edu.