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Dr. Fathollah Bistouni, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Research Area:
Reliability engineering
Interconnection networks
Performance Evaluation
Ethernet ring mesh networks
Complex networks
Wireless Mesh Networks
Research Experience:
Honors and awards
Ranked 10 th in nation-wide PhD entrance exam in Computer engineering of Islamic Azad University
Membership of the Researchers and Elites Club, Islamic Azad University
Nominated for membership in the Iran's National Elites Foundation
Selected by the 4th Elites Festival as the best thesis of the engineering and technical department in Iran
Publish the book in the Springer as follows: Crossbar-Based Interconnection Networks: Blocking, Scalability, and Reliability
International reviewer in many ISI journals such as Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE
Transactions on Reliability, IETE Journal of Research, IISE Transactions, Journal of Systems Architecture, Journal of Systems and Software, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Journal of Internet Technology, Wireless Networks, and so on.
Publish a lot of articles in the prestigious ISI journals